Web Cache Communication Protocol

Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP) is a Cisco-developed content-routing protocol that provides a mechanism to redirect traffic flows in real-time. It has built-in load balancing, scaling, fault tolerance, and service-assurance (failsafe) mechanisms. Cisco IOS Release 12.1 and later releases allow the use of either Version 1 (WCCPv1) or Version 2 (WCCPv2) of the protocol.

WCCP allows utilization of Cisco Cache Engines (or other caches running WCCP) to localize web traffic patterns in the network, enabling content requests to be fulfilled locally. Traffic localization reduces transmission costs and download time.


Protocol Versions



Primary WCCP functions



Redirect from Router to Cache Engine

Return from Cache Engine to Router

Products that implement WCCP

Whilst originally designed for Cisco's Content Cache appliance they have since added support to other products, including:

Other vendors have also implemented WCCP support into their products, as it allows clustering and transparent deployment on networks using Cisco routers/switches without additional hardware. WCCP is of particular use to vendors of web cache/proxy/security appliances for redirection of web traffic. A list includes:


  1. ^ http://support.citrix.com/servlet/KbServlet/download/19285-102-19716/wanscaler_users_guide_5.0_090217_no_change_bars.pdf section "WCCP Mode", page 81
  2. ^ http://www.serverwatch.com/news/article.php/3936061/Apache-Traffic-Server-30-Accelerates-Performance.htm

External links